Tupelo Honey Looking to Open in South Asheville

September 19, 2009

South Asheville is apparently ripe for some culture infusion. First the opening of Thirsty MonkSouth last week, and now the word is Downtown Asheville landmark restaurant Tupelo Honey is getting close to announcing a South Asheville location not too far from the new Monk. Congrats South Asheville- You’re now cool!

Big Asheville Beer News! Read it here FIRST!

August 1, 2009

Asheville might soon be home to a new mega-tavern within a stone’s throw of Pack Place and City Hall. Remember where the developer was wanting to build those condos right next to City Hall? Well, now Stewart Coleman’s Black Dog Realty is planning to demo the inside of the Hayes and Hobson building on Spruce Street and build it out as a new 80 TAP tavern. Our insiders say Pack’s Tavern aims to have just about every local beer on tap along with the beer offerings of the biggies. They’re working out their food concept, but local architect Patty Glazer has been spending lots of Coleman’s money on extensive remodel plans. Building permits are just now being submitted, so don’t expect any opening until probably early 2010.